Monday, January 16, 2006

New Year, New Attitude and New Batteries

Welcome to 2006. This is the time of year that we traditionally make resolutions to be slimmer, better and healthier. How about safer?
This is a great time of year to go around the house and test those smoke-detectors. Press the button, listen for the squeak, comfort the dog and move on. Remember, a waning detector will start to make plaintive squeaks to let you know it's on the way out. Eventually it will die! Many people, and I'm one of them, say "hang the expense" and replace the batteries annually. Small price to pay for peace of mind. If you are installing new ones remember to read the instructions carefully regarding positioning as this can have a vital effect on performance. Also, do not paint them when redecorating as this can render them useless, with potentially disastrous results. This year I installed an additional one in my office area at the far end of the house. Because, like most of us, my computer, fax machine and printer are always plugged in , and early warning of any problem would be greatly appreciated.
Another potential danger area is the exhaust on your tumble dryer. Over the course of a year, lint can build up in the flexible tube, which not only represents a fire hazard, but also reduces the efficiency of your dryer which will cost you more money to run. Unclip both ends, clean it out and replace.
Who knows, after going up and down the step-ladder checking detectors, and bending down to service the dryer, you might even lose a couple of pounds for your trouble.
Good luck and stay safe in 2006.

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