Tuesday, June 01, 2010

A Disturbing Sign of the Times

There is an old adage regarding the "Golden Rule". Them with the gold, get to make the rule. We had an irritating example of this just last month. We had listed a property for our client and it had sold within days for full price, which in and of itself was quite a shock. We later discovered that the buyers had coveted the home years before so that when it came on the market they just snapped it up. Even though they were going with a large down payment, we still felt an appraisal at full price might be a stretch in this market, and advised our seller accordingly.

In the meantime, our seller also had a second shot at what he considered his dream home when a short sale that had dragged on for almost a year suddenly became available. Our offer was accepted, but it was contingent on the first sale. The appraisal came in at the desired price of $545,000 and it looked like two families were going to get their dream homes. Who was it who said "I love it when a plan comes together"?

Then, the waste product came into direct contact with the oscillating, rotating air-moving device. The day before drawing docs on the first sale, a loan processor arbitrarily and capriciously decided it did not like the appraisal. It then ordered a drive-by appraisal which came in at $470,000! The original appraiser was mortified by this lack of respect for her work and requested the opportunity to defend herself. This was duly granted. In the meantime, the processor ordered another drive-by, and this one came in at $400,000! Nobody told me there'd be days like these!

In the end, they completely ignored the official appraisal and said they would stick with the drive-by evaluation of $470,000. Everybody said "They can't do that!" But they did. Luckily, both buyer and seller were willing, and financially able, to reach a compromise. The seller came down $25,000 and the buyer was able to come up with the extra cash, so it closed, albeit a couple of days late.

Interestingly, when we came to an agreement with the bank on the short sale we were buying, they gave us 10 days to close it. This, after they had messed around the previous buyers for more than 9 months. The stones on these people. We closed it in 9 days. That night, Mrs K and I went out for frozen yogurt. It was good.

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