Should you fix your home up before you sell it? Good question. Bearing in mind that a potential buyer will most likely perform a professional inspection of your home, you might want to walk around your house and see what little problems are lurking that could easily be fixed. That dripping faucet and the running toilet are types of minor problems that are so easy to fix but if left untouched, give the buyer an impression of "deferred maintenance" which will not endear them to your home. Also, you replaced the roof last year but the water stained ceiling has not been re-painted. Why not? Those popcorn ceilings you've always hated; hire a professional. We did and they spent 70% of their time covering the interior of our home in plastic sheeting to control dust and mess. By the time they were done our ceilings were so smoooooth and there was zero mess in our house. Plus, it wasn't expensive. Also, here's a quick tip for good coverage with ceiling paint. Buy the paint that goes on pink, but dries white. It is excellent and ensures an even coat.
I think it's a good idea to have your home inspected by a licensed termite company at the time of listing. The reason I advise this is that in the event of infestation being present, there is an excellent chance that the buyer will ask you to fix it. It may be a $500 problem, it may be a $5000 problem, either way it is better to know ahead of time as it affects your bottom line.
Remember, you don't have to fix anything, although it might be wise to, but the most important thing is that you must disclose any known problems, or you could suffer legal consequences.
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